Ethanol is a high-octane motor fuel derived from the sugars, starches, and cellulosic matter found in plants. Virtually every gallon of U.S. gasoline today contains at least 10% fuel ethanol. The gasoline sold across the U.S. today is commonly referred to as “E10” contains 10% ethanol. Ethanol is part of our nation’s solution to reducing our dependency on fossil fuels, lowering fuel prices, creating domestic jobs, boosting the farm economy, and cleaning our environment. Today, domestic ethanol “biorefineries” in 28 states produce over 15 billion gallons of ethanol per year.
Ethanol’s Octane Advantage
One of ethanol’s most important benefits is also one of its best kept secrets: Octane. A fuel’s octane rating is the measure of its ability to resist “knocking.” 100% Ethanol has an octane rating of 113. That compares to an octane rating for regular unleaded gasoline of 87. Ethanol offers more engine knock resistance at a lower cost than any other gasoline additive on the planet. Most refiners add 10% ethanol in order to upgrade their gasoline blend-stock from 84 octane to 87 octane – the minimum allowable for regular grade gasoline. Ethanol is the cleanest and safest octane enhancing option available.
Ethanol and Greenhouse Gases (GHG)
According to analyses conducted for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, corn ethanol from a typical dry mill ethanol production biorefinery reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 43% compared to gasoline. The use of ethanoI in gasoline reduces CO2-equivalent GHG emissions from transportation by 43.5 million metric tons per year – this is equivalent to removing 9.3 million cars from the road for an entire year!
Ethanol Emissions Reductions
Ethanol continues to serve as one of the most inexpensive and effective tools available for reducing harmful emissions from the transportation sector. The ethanol molecule is 35% oxygen, meaning it burns more cleanly and completely than petroleum-based hydrocarbons in gasoline. Adding ethanol to gasoline reduces tailpipe emissions of the following pollutants, among others: Carbon monoxide, which can cause harmful health effects by reducing oxygen delivery to the body’s organs. Exhaust hydrocarbons, which contribute to ozone, irritate the eyes, damage the lungs, and aggravate respiratory problems. Air toxics like benzene, which can cause cancer and reproductive effects or birth defects. Fine particulate matter, which can pass through the nose and throat and enter the lungs, causing asthma and other serious health effects.
Pearson Fuels is proud to be a distributor of motor fuel ethanol throughout California. Our customers include refiners, wholesalers, distributors, retailers and government agencies.